Friday 11/13/2020
“Isabel” 30 Power Snatches for Time 135, 95
Thursday 11/12/2020
1) 40 Ring Dips 2) 60 Half Kneeling DB Press 3) 80 Push Press
Wednesday 11/11/2020
**Regular schedule all day** The CrossFit community at large has always made a point to honor the men and women of our Armed Services and... Read More
Tuesday 11/10/2020
1) EMOM 7 Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks 2) Build to heavy Power Clean & Push Jerk
Monday 11/9/2020
3 Rounds 1 minute Hang Cleans 95, 65 1 minute Burpees 2 minute Bike/Row 1 minute Rest
Saturday 11/7/2020
For Time 1 Mile Run 100 KBS 53, 35 1 Mile Run
Friday 11/6/2020
1) 40-70 Toes to Bar. Partition as needed. 2) 5×8 DB Row 3) Back Squat 2×5@75 + 5-15#, 2×4@80 + 5-15#
Thursday 11/5/2020
5 Rounds AMRAP 3. Rest 1 4 Power Snatches 95, 65 4 Clapping Push Ups 10 Sit Ups
Wednesday 11/4/2020
1) 50-70 Strict Pull Ups 2) Deadlift 3×5@75% 2×2@80% 2×2@85% 2×1@90%
Tuesday 11/3/2020
‘Omar’ For time10 Thrusters 95, 6515 Bar-facing burpees20 Thrusters25 Bar-facing burpees30 Thrusters35 Bar-facing burpees