Wednesday 11/25/2020
*Thanksgiving day 5K run at 8am *Friday class at 9am and 5:30pm only 4 Rounds for Time 20 Box Jumps 24, 20 20 Burpees 10... Read More
Tuesday 11/24/2020
1) Supine Grip Row 8×10 2) AMRAP 8 8 Overhead Squats 75, 55 25 Double Unders
Monday 11/23/2020
Hey guys!So to update everyone; we will be heading back to class at the gym Monday morning. Everything up to this point has been well... Read More
Saturday 11/21/2020
At Home Wod. Every 12th Minute for 3 ROUNDS start a new 1 Mile run -adjust distance if necessary to allow for rest each round
Friday 11/20/2020
At Home Wod. Keep at it guys! AMRAP 15 5 Wall Walks or Handstand Push Ups 12 V Sit Ups
Thursday 11/19/2020
Hey folks, hopefully you all received the email that was sent out Wednesday afternoon regarding some recent covid developments that hit close to home. I... Read More
Wednesday 11/18/2020
Bike/Row 6×4 minutes. Rest 2 minutes between sets
Tuesday 11/17/2020
7 Rounds For Time 10 Power Clean and Jerks 115, 80 35 Double Unders
Monday 11/16/2020
1) 40-60 Chin Ups 2) Bulgarian Split Squats 8-8-8-8-8 3) Back Squat 2×5@75 + 10-20#, 2×4@80 + 10-20#
Saturday 11/14/2020
AMRAP 20 400m Run 20 DB Hang Cleans 200m Run 30 Shoulder to Overhead