Friday 12/4/2020
Every 90 Seconds x 7 Sets. Clean + 3 Front squat + Split Jerk Every 2 Minutes x 7 Sets. Clean & Split Jerk
Thursday 12/3/2020
AMRAP 14 1 Power Clean 225, 155 12 Weighted Box Step Overs 24, 20 / 50, 35 12 V Sit Ups
Wednesday 12/2/2020
1) EMOM 10 5-7 Pull Ups or Chest to Bar Pull ups. Then amrap burpees to 40 second mark. 2) EMOM 10 2-4 strict Handstand... Read More
Tuesday 12/1/2020
In 15 minutes 6 Box Jumps 24, 20 6 Push Press 115, 80 2 Hand Release Push Ups *HR push ups increase by 2 reps... Read More
Monday 11/30/2020
1) Bulgarian Split Squats 8-8-8-8-8 2) Romanian Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5 3) 30 Barbell Roll Outs
Saturday 11/28/2020
7 Rounds 2 Minutes. Rest 1 minute between rounds 12 Single Arm Devils Press 50, 35 Bike/Row max cals remaining time
Friday 11/27/2020
Class at 9am and 5:30pm only 4 Rounds AMRAP 4. Rest 2 4 Front Squats 105, 73 3 Push Jerks 7 Abmat Sit Ups
Thursday 11/26/2020
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! One Class at 8am. 5K Run Or AMRAP 25 Bike/Row
Wednesday 11/25/2020
*Thanksgiving day 5K run at 8am *Friday class at 9am and 5:30pm only 4 Rounds for Time 20 Box Jumps 24, 20 20 Burpees 10... Read More
Tuesday 11/24/2020
1) Supine Grip Row 8×10 2) AMRAP 8 8 Overhead Squats 75, 55 25 Double Unders