Tuesday 1/12/2021
1) Back Squat 1×5@ 75%, 2×4@80% + 5-15#, 2×3@85%+5-15# 2) 40-70 Strict Pull Ups 3) 40 Barbell Roll Outs
Monday 1/11/2021
5 Rounds for Time 12 Deadlifts 155, 108 9 Push Jerks 12 Lateral Bar Burpees
Saturday 1/9/2021
For Time 40 Burpees 60 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 80 Reverse KB Lunges (goblet squat hold) 60 Kettlebell Swings 40 Burpees
Friday 1/8/2021
For Time 30-24-20-14 Bike or Row DB Ground to Overhead 50, 35
Thursday 1/7/2021
15 Minutes Up Ladder starting at 1 rep each Front Squat 135, 95 Push Jerk Box Jumps 24, 20
Wednesday 1/6/2021
Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
Tuesday 1/5/2021
5 Rounds AMRAP 3. Rest 1 3 Snatches 105, 73 7 Push Ups 7 V Ups
Monday 1/4/2021
1) Build to heavy set of 2 Power Cleans & Jerk 2) AMRAP 8 30 Double Unders 10 Push Press 95, 65
Saturday 1/2/2021
AMRAP 16 16 Med Ball Cleans 20, 14 14 Med Ball Box Step Overs 24, 20 12 Burpees
Thursday 12/31/2020
New Years Schedule: Dec 31st regular schedule Jan 1 closed Jan 2 regular schedule 6 Rounds for Time 10 Power Cleans 135, 95 12 Box... Read More