Thursday 2/4/2021
1) EMOM 10 20 seconds max Pull Ups 2) EMOM 10 20 seconds max Strict Handstand Push Ups
Wednesday 2/3/2021
AMRAP 14 2 Power Cleans 205, 143 2 Shoulder to Overhead 35 Double Unders
Tuesday 2/2/2021
Snow Cancellations. No class at 5:30am, 9 and noon. Class on as scheduled for 4:45 and 6pm 5 Rounds AMRAP 3 minutes. Rest 3 minutes... Read More
Monday 2/1/2021
7 Rounds for Time 14/10 Bike or 20/15 Row 20 DB Ground To Overhead 50, 35 14 Box Jumps 24 ,20
Saturday 1/30/2021
Up Ladder 14 Minutes 1 Hang Cleans 135, 95 2 Lateral Bar Burpees *increase hang cleans by 1 rep each round and burpees by 2... Read More
Friday 1/29/2021
For Time 50-40-30-20-10 Shoulder to Overhead 105, 73 V Sit Ups
Thursday 1/28/2021
1) Deadlift 3-3-3-2-2-2 2) 10×10 Supine Grip Bent Rows
Wednesday 1/27/2021
Bike or Row for Cals AMRAP 7. Rest 4 AMRAP 5. Rest 3 AMRAP 3. Rest 2 AMRAP 1
Tuesday 1/26/2021
1) EMOM 8 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk *use 60-75% of 1 rep max through all sets 2) Build to heavy single clean and jerk
Monday 1/25/2021
4 Rounds For time 12 Thusters 95, 65 15 kettlebell swings 70, 53 40 Double Unders