Tuesday 2/16/2021
1) 12 minutes build to max: Power Clean + 3 Push Press 2) AMRAP 10 8 each arm Kettlebell Snatches 53, 35 8 each arm... Read More
Monday 2/15/2021
10 Rounds for Time 10 Push Ups 15 Abmat Sit Ups 10 Power Cleans 105, 73
Saturday 2/13/2021
7 Rounds For Time 14/10 Bike or 20/15 Row 15 Burpees
Friday 2/12/2021
1) Back Squat 2×2@90%, 3×1@92-95% 2) 30-50 Alternating Leg Pistol 3) EMOM 7 5-10 Toes to Bar
Thursday 2/11/2021
4 Rounds for Time 25 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 75 Double Unders
Wednesday 2/10/2021
Every 2 minutes x 12 Sets 1-4: 3 Clean and Jerks Sets 5-9: 2 Clean and Jerks Sets 10-12: 1 Clean and Jerks
Tuesday 2/9/2021
5 Rounds For Time 12 Hang Clean Thrusters 95, 65 18 Box Jump Overs 24, 20
Monday 2/8/2021
1) Deadlifts 2-2-2-2-2-2 2) 60 Barbell Roll Outs
Saturday 2/6/2021
AMRAP 20 12 Overhead Squats 30 Abmat Sit Ups 12 Push Press 30 Deadlifts 12 Lateral Bar Burpees Rx 115/80
Friday 2/5/2021
Every 5th Minute for 5 sets complete for time: 30/21 Bike Or 500m/400m Row