Saturday 2/27/2021
AMRAP 20 7 Shoulder To Overhead 105, 73 7 Front Squats 105, 73 9 Burpees 9 Box Jumps 24, 20
Friday 2/26/2021
7 Rounds For Time 14 DB Ground to Overhead 50, 35 (alternating each rep) 25 Abmat Sit Ups
Thursday 2/25/2021
Every 2 minutes X 12 sets Power Clean + Jerk + 4 Back Squats + Jerk
Wednesday 2/24/2021
5 Rounds for Time 20 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 20 KB Front Rack Lunges 30/21 cal Bike or 500/400m Row
Tuesday 2/23/2021
1) EMOM 10. Muscle Up/Chest to Bar Pull Up/Pull Up *pick one movement. Rest 5 minutes between 2) EMOM 10. Handstand Push Ups *choose a... Read More
Monday 2/22/2021
AMRAP 14 5 Deadlifts 225, 155 12 Push Ups 30 Double Unders
Saturday 2/20/2021
7 Rounds for time 10 Power Snatches 75, 55 10 Bar Facing Burpees
Friday 2/19/2021
AMRAP 10 Rest 5 AMRAP 10 Bike or Row max cals
Thursday 2/18/2021
1) EMOM 12 20 on 40 off. Odd: Muscle Up/Chest to Bar Pull Up/Pull Up *pick one movement. Even: Med Ball Clean 20, 14 2)... Read More
Wednesday 2/17/2021
5 Rounds Not For Time 10 Strict Press 15 V Sit Ups 20 Russian Twists 10 Supine Grip Bent Rows