Tuesday 4/27/2021
1) Back Squat 10-10-10 2) For Time 50 Toes to Bar 800m Run
Monday 4/26/2021
Death By Power Cleans Min 1: 1 rep Min 2: 2 reps Min 3: 3 reps Continue until cannot complete inside the minute. Choose a... Read More
Saturday 4/24/2021
3 Rounds for Time 14/10 Bike or 20/15 Row 12 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24, 20 15 Double Kettlebell or Dumbbell Thrusters
Friday 4/23/2021
1) Deadlift 8-8-8-8 2) AMRAP 8 4 Deadlifts 275, 193 8 Clapping Push Ups
Thursday 4/22/2021
1) Back Squat 10-10-10 2) 40-60 Strict Pull Ups 3) 60 Weighted Sit Ups
Wednesday 4/21/2021
1) Supine Grip Bent Row 10-10-10-10-10 2) AMRAP 10 7 Hang Power Cleans 115, 80 8 Front Rack Lunges 7 Shoulder to Overhead
Tuesday 4/20/2021
For Time 10-15-20-25 Burpees 25-50-75-100 Double Unders Then 1 Mile Run
Monday 4/19/2021
10 Rounds for Time (cap 17) 5 Wall Walks 15 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35
Saturday 4/17/2021
AMRAP 20 14/10 Bike or 20/15 Row 15 Air Squats 5 Shoulder to Overhead 155, 108
Friday 4/16/2021
Every 90 Seconds for 13 sets Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + 2 Jerks