Saturday 5/8/2021
AMRAP 20 400m Run 15 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 12 Goblet Squats
Friday 5/7/2021
Up Ladder 14 1 Strict Press 85, 60 1 Push Up
Thursday 5/6/2021
3 Rounds for Time 20 Kettlebell Swings 70, 53 14 Single Arm Devils Press 50, 35
Wednesday 5/5/2021
1) Back Squat 10-10-10 2) 50-70 Strict Pull ups
Tuesday 5/4/2021
5 Rounds for Time 12 Push Jerks 135, 95 24 Weighted DB Box Step Overs 24, 20 50, 35#
Monday 5/3/2021
AMRAP 15 12 Push Ups 16 V Sit Ups 20 Air Squats
Saturday 5/1/2021
AMRAP 20 400m Run 200m Farmer Carry 25 Deadlifts
Friday 4/30/2021
AMRAP 6. Rest 3. AMRAP 6 20 Power Snatches 75, 55 20 Box Jumps 24, 20 20 Front Squats 20 Push Press
Thursday 4/29/2021
1) Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5-5 2) 60 Chin Ups *partition as needed. Can be weighted
Wednesday 4/28/2021
5 Rounds AMRAP 3 minutes. Rest 1 minute between rounds 7 Shoulder to Overhead 115, 80 7 Burpees