Thursday 7/18/2024
For time. *partition any way 300 Double Unders 100 AbMat Sit Ups 100 Wall Balls 20/14
Wednesday 7/17/2024
12 Rounds Every 90 Seconds complete: Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Tuesday 7/16/2024
‘Lynne’ 5 Rounds not for Time Max Reps Benchpress (bodyweight) Max Reps Strict Pull Ups
Monday 7/15/2024
7 rounds for time 7 Deadlifts 155/108 7 Shoulder to Overhead 155/108 7 Lateral Bar Burpees 7 Toes To Bar
Saturday 7/13/2024
Amrap 15 400m run 10 GTO 135, 95
Friday 7/12/2024
10 Rounds for Time 7 Strict Pull Ups 10 Push Ups
Thursday 7/11/2024
2 Rounds For Time 30 Knees to Elbow 400m run 30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 20 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
Wednesday 7/10/2024
1)E90x10 Power snatch + OHS + 2 hang snatch 2)Overhead squat 5-5-5-5
Tuesday 7/9/2024
1)Push jerk 3-3-2-2 2)Amrap 9 7 Hang power clean and STO 95/65 20 Double unders
Monday 7/8/2024
Emom 30 Min 1: 10-15 wall balls 20/14 Min 2: 6 deadlifts 225/155 Min 3: 2-3 wall walks