Wednesday 5/1/2021
10x 200m Run Rest 2 minutes between runs
Tuesday 5/18/2021
Each Segment for time. Rest any remaining time 1) 0:00 to 4:00 30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 2) 4:00 to 8:00 30 Front Squats... Read More
Monday 5/17/2021
For Time 80 Weighted Box Step Ups 50, 35 / 24, 20 Then 5 Round 15 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 25 Sit Ups
Saturday 5/15/2021
AMRAP 25 30/24 Bike or 500m/400m Row 10 Alternating Single Arm Devils Press 50, 35 15 Box Jumps 24, 20 20 DB Front Squats 50,... Read More
Friday 5/14/2021
1) Romanian Deadlifts 4×10 2) Front Rack Reverse Lunges 4×14 (alternating legs 7 ea side) 3) Back Squat 10-10-8
Thursday 5/13/2021
For Time (cap 12 minutes) 50 Pull Ups 250 Double Unders 80 Push Ups
Wednesday 5/12/2021
AMRAP 20 400m Run 12 Med Ball Cleans 200m Run With med ball 12 Med Ball Cleans
Tuesday 5/11/2021
5 Rounds. Not for time 1) Strict Press. 10 Reps 2) Strict Pull Ups. AMRAP set 3) Barbell Roll Outs. 10 Reps
Monday 5/10/2021
3 Rounds AMRAP 4. Rest 2 4 Power Cleans 135, 95 6 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24, 20
Saturday 5/8/2021
AMRAP 20 400m Run 15 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 12 Goblet Squats