Saturday 10/16/2021
7 Rounds. Every 3 minutes 200m Run 5 Power Cleans 185, 125 12 Burpees
Friday 10/15/2021
For Time 30-20-10 Deadlifts 225/155 Knees to Elbow
Thursday 10/14/2021
AMRAP 8 100m Run 5 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups –Rest 5 minutes. Then repeat AMRAP 8
Wednesday 10/13/2021
4 Rounds. AMRAP 1 each movement. Push Press 75/55 Bike or Row cals Strict Pull Ups Kettlebell Swings 53/35 1 minute rest between rounds
Tuesday 10/12/2021
Every 90 Seconds for 10 Sets Hang Clean and Jerk
Monday 10/11/2021
“Karen” For Time 150 Wall Balls 20, 14
Saturday 10/9/2021
10 Rounds for Time 5 Ground to Overhead 135, 95 10 Lateral Bar Burpees
Friday 10/8/2021
7 Rounds For Time 10 Strict Pull Ups 20 Push Ups 30 Air Squats
Thursday 10/7/2021
For Time 1 Mile Run 50 OH DB Lunges 50, 35 100 Abmat Sit Ups 100 Box Step Ups 300 Double Unders *partition reps and... Read More
Wednesday 10/6/2021
3 Rounds for Time 20 Power Cleans 115/80 15 Chest To Bar Pull Ups 400m Run