Tuesday 11/9/2021
1)Back Squat 3×2 @ 85% 2)2K Row for Time
Monday 11/8/2021
1)Split Jerk 2-2-2-1-1 2)AMRAP 10 40 Double Unders 15 V Sit Ups
Saturday 11/6/2021
For Time 3 Rounds 400m Run 15 Thrusters 95/65 3 Rope Climbs Rest 5 minutes. Then. 800m Run 30 Single Arm Devils Press 50/35
Friday 11/5/2021
1)EMOM 10 Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat 2)For Time 21-15-9 OHS 95/65 Toes To Bar
Thursday 11/4/2021
1)Bulgarian Split Squats 7-7-7-7 (each leg) 2)Back Squat 4×3 @ 85%
Wednesday 11/3/2021
5 Rounds for Time 22 DB Ground to Overhead 50/35 20 DB Shoulder to Overhead 14 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20 *GTO alternate each rep... Read More
Tuesday 11/2/2021
EMOM 20 odd minutes: 6-12 Strict Pull Ups even minutes: 4-10 Strict Handstand Push Ups
Monday 11/1/2021
For Time 1,000m Row Then 3 Rounds 30 Wall Balls 20/14 20 Deadlifts 225/185
Saturday 10/30/2021
Feel free to wear your costumes! Happy Halloween WOD For Time 31 Push Ups 31 V Sit Ups 31 Deadlifts 31 Shoulder to Overheads 31... Read More
Friday 10/29/2021
3 Rounds AMRAP 5. Rest 3 3 Front Squats 135/95 4 Hang Power Clean & Jerks 7 Pull Ups