Thursday 11/7/2024
10 Rounds. In 1 Minute: 7 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20 Max Pull Ups in Remaining Time Rest 30 seconds between rounds
Wednesday 11/6/2024
1)Every 90 seconds x 10 Power Clean + Low Hang Power Clean + 2 Jerks 2)Build to Heavy Power Clean & Jerk for day
Tuesday 11/5/2024
1)Thruster 3-3-3-2-2 2)3 rounds for time 20 front squats 95/65 20 knees to elbow
Monday 11/4/2024
âJTâ For time 21-15-9 Handstand push ups Ring dips Push ups
Saturday 11/2/2024
Amrap 20 20 Wall Balls 20/14 100m Suitcase Carry 20 Toes to Bar 100m Suitcase Carry 20 Pull Ups 100m Suitcase Carry
Friday 11/1/2024
Amrap 7 5 Lateral Bar Burpees 7 Power Cleans 95/65 Then in 5 minutes Build to heavy 1 Rep Power Clean
Thursday 10/31/2024
Happy Halloween! 14 Minutes Increasing by 5 Double Unders Increasing by 2 Strict pull ups
Wednesday 10/30/2024
10 rounds for time 10 Push ups 12 DB gto 50, 35 10 10m Shuttle Runs
Tuesday 10/29/2024
Pause Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 7×10 Weighted Sit Ups
Monday 10/28/2024
1)Push jerk 3â3-3-3 2)Amrap 12 7 Chest to bar pull ups 7 Shoulder to Overhead 105/73 7 Box jump overs 24/20