Friday 4/3/2014
Hey all I wanted to share a charity event that Cheryl has been working on since August. There are two hockey games that will be held at the Tsongas Center next Wednesday evening (April 9). The first one is for Wounded Warriors who play sled hockey, and the second game is also for Wounded Warriors but those who are still able to stand and play. The standing Warriors will be playing against a group of Massachusetts Olympians, some from the famous 1980 team that beat Russia… Anyway, if you’re interested and wouldn’t mind helping me get the word out, the website is: http://americanheroeshockeychallenge.com/, and tickets are only $10 online or at the door.
All the proceeds from this event will be split between the Wounded Warriors, the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, and victims of spinal cord injuries (Travis Roy Foundation). Thank you!!
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